La connaissance des principes du solfège sera d'une grande aide pour tirer le meilleur parti de ce cours.

Ainsi il est fortement conseillé d'apprendre les bases du solfège sur Happy Note

Vous pouvez vous aider des instruments virtuels (piano, guitare) fournis pour apprendre. (Cliquer sur la barre avec les icones de piano et guitare).

Notational Features

As mentioned, by 1872, Tonic Sol-fa notation was no longer being applied to staff notation but had became a notational system in its own right. Part of the reason for this was Curwen’s belief that his notation was sufficiently comprehensive that it could provide for all aspects of musical representation and therefore, for vocal and choral music, could effectively supplant the “Old [Staff] Notation”.

Pitch was notated using the first letters of the solmisation syllables together with vertical dash above or below note to indicate octave placement.

The only exception to “first letter” representation was the use of chromatic notes such as fe, se, ba, ta, etc. to indicate accidentals either in a minor mode or for modulation.

Rhythmic notation consisted of vertical “bar” lines—a double bar to indicate the end of a musical section, a barline to indicate main (strong) metrical divisions, half bar lines for subsidiary (medium) metrical divisions (as with the third beat in quadruple metre)—and standard punctuation marks—a colon to indicate beat divisions, a period for half-beat divisions, a comma for quarter-beat divisions, a rotated comma for third-beat division (i.e.for triplets), with a dash to indicate the continuation of a note to a subsequent beat.

Rests were notated by a blank space preceded by a punctuation mark to indicate duration. Slurring, where two or more notes are sung to a single word or syllable, was indicated by a horizontal line place below the notation. The following example indicates these notational elements in the first two phrases of a well-known chorale melody.

An Example of Tonic Sol-fa Notation

Figure 1 — An Example of Tonic Sol-fa Notation Hymn Tune "Eternal Father, Strong to Save"

Sarah Ann Glover
(13/11/1785 – 20/10/1867)
invente le Tonic-Solfa

Sarah Ann Glover Wikipedia

Reverend John Curwen
fait évoluer le Tonic-Solfa

John Curven Wikipedia

The Curven Method